(Public Health Engineering Department)


The Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009 is prepared based on barest minimum requirement and the detailed break-up is shown below:-


                                                                                                                                              (Rupees in Lakh)

Sl. No     SECTOR DETAILS                                 Budget Provision                                Remarks

                                                                                 during 2008-2009




      1.   Rural Water Supply                                                  Rs.        2002.00               (1662ACA&327NABARD)

      2.   Rural Sanitation (TSC)                                            Rs.            50.00  

      3.   Direction & Administration                                   Rs.          900.00                          

      4.   Emergency Water Supply by Truck                   Rs.          100.00  

      5. O & M of Rural WSS                                                 Rs.        1000.00

                                       TOTAL OF A                                   Rs.        4052.00  



B.  URBAN SECTOR                                                          

      1.   Matching Share of JNNURM(GAWSS Ph-I)         Rs.          168.00   (ACA)

      2.   Renewal of GreaterLunglei WSS                           Rs. 120.00 (ACA)

3.      Renewal of Greater Serchhip WSS         Rs.            30.00   (ACA)

4.   Renewal of Greater Kolasib WSS                      Rs.            90.00   (ACA)

3.   Improvement of D/S of GAWSS Ph-I                 Rs.            70.00   (ACA)

4.      Improvement 0f Source and Intake arrangement

       of GAWSS Ph-I                                                       Rs.            60.00   (ACA)

      5.   Greater Aizawl W.S.S Phase-II                            Rs.           75.00

      6.   Greater Champhai WSS                                       Rs.            25.00

      7.   Building                                                                     Rs.            10.00

      8.   Operation &Maintenance of

      9.   Urban Water Supply Schemes                          Rs.       1,500.00


                                       TOTAL OF B :                              Rs.        2148.00                                      


                                       GRAND TOTAL :                          Rs.        6200.00


(Rupees Sixty Two Grores ) only.


Brief explanation of various Sectors of the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009 are summarised as below:

A.   Rural Sector:

1.      Rural Water Supply:


a)            Water Supply:  Rural Water Supply comes under Bharat Nirman Programme launched by Government of India.  As per the Bharat Nirman Programme all the Non-Covered (NC) and Partially Covered (PC) habitation as per 2003 Habitation Survey are to be enhanced to Fully Covered (FC) status by the year 2008-2009.  The status of Rural Water Supply as on             1. 4. 2005 pertaining to Mizoram is shown in the following Table :


                        NC                  PC                   FC                   TOTAL

                        157                  430                  190                  777


                        Public Health Engineering Department prepared Action Plan as per the requirement of the Bharat Nirman Programme in which the fund requirement for coverage of Partially Covered and Non-Covered Habitations  Rs. 20,988.00 lakh.  In the current funding pattern of Rural Water Supply, the cost sharing pattern between Government of India and State Government is at 50 : 50 ratio.

The Public Health Engineering Department, therefore started implementing Rural Water Supply Programme as per Bharat Nirman Action Plan since 2005-06 and had achieved good progress. Water supply in many Habitations have been upgraded since the last four years, and the Status of  Rural Water Supply as on 1.4 .2007 became as stated under:

NC                  PC                   FC                   TOTAL

128                  295                  354                  777 

Large numbers of Habitations (128 NC habitations and 295 PC habitations) still left to be converted into FC Category, it is unlikely that the Bharat Nirman Target may not be achieved due to fund constraint unless the funding pattern is revised to 25:75 between State Government & Central Government. Proposal for the same have been initiated by North East States and Others Hilly States of India. Moreover, the Swajaldhara Scheme, one of the fund sources under Rural Sector, has been terminated by Govt. of India and anticipated funds to be received from NLCPR is not forthcoming as expected. The total fund requirement of Rs 43,700.00 lakh for achieving Bharat Nirman Target is not at all available during the past four years. Requirement of funds for Bharat Nirman Target are as mentioned below:


1. State Share :                         Rs    10,925.00  lakh

2. Central Share:         

 ARWSP  -                  Rs    32,775.00  lakh


Total :             Rs.  43,700.00  lakh


In the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009, an amount of Rs. 2002.00 lakh is earmarked  under Rural Water Supply for completion of On-going works as well as execution of New Works implemented under State Plan. This amount will also form the State Matching Share of ARWSP.  (Detailed break up is shown in the previous page).


b)           Direction and Administration:

An amount of Rs. 900.00 lakh is provided during Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009, the detailed break-up is as below:-


            (1)        Direction CE                                                           -            Rs.     235.00

            (2)        Direction SE                                                           -            Rs.     168.00

            (3)        Administration                                                      -            Rs.   491.00

            (4)        Training                                                                  -            Rs    6.00

                                                       T O T A L=  Rs.  900.00


c)            Emergency Water Supply by Truck:  Mizoram is wholly mountainous region with only a narrow strip of plain along the river basin.  The hill slopes are quite steep promoting fast storm run-off during rainy season.  Even the geological structure promotes fast seepage, as an impervious layer of shale rock formation immediately follows thin alluvial topsoil. Due to the above reasons, our water sources got easily dried up or the yield decreases resulting in severe drinking water scarcity after a brief spell of off monsoon period.  Due to this, Emergency Water Supply by truck has to be carried out during dry period in those severely affected habitations. Approximately Rs. 100.00 lakh have been spent for carrying out Emergency Water Supply by truck every year.

An amount of Rs. 100.00 lakh is provided during Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009, which include clearing liabilities.


d)      Rural Sanitation Programme (Total Sanitation Campaign): The programme includes construction of Sanitary Unit in Educational institutions and providing incentive to BPL families including Mass Awareness Campaign. It is the reformed new initiative launched by Government of India where public education and involvement in the implementation of the Project is the main theme.

Govt of India has approved detailed Project Report of Total Sanitation Campaign in all eight Districts in Mizoram and implementation is in good progress. Attempt will be made to complete the Hardware component during 2008-09. The total Project Cost will be shared between Govt of India, State Government and beneficiaries. 

                           An amount of Rs. 50 .00 lakh is provided during 2008-2009 Draft Annual Plan as State Matching Share during 2008-2009


e)      Operation and Maintenance: In respect of maintenance of rural water supply, attempt is being made for entrusting the Operation and Maintenance activities to the Community.  However, it is still practically not possible to entrust 100% Operation and Maintenance activities to the community due to       various reasons like 1) Problem in raising O&M fund 
2) Lack of capable and technically qualified man–power. 3) Lack of effective institutionalisation for effective O&M activities etc.  The Public Health Engineering   Department, therefore have to still take active role in maintenance of water supply asset by way of procurement of spare parts, arrangement of skill personnel etc.  The Department have therefore, to invest huge amount of fund towards Operation and Maintenance.

An amount of Rs 1000.00 lakh have been earmarked for Operation & Maintenance under Rural Sector.

f)      Sustainability and Development of Catchments Area:  Most of the water supply sources yields very low discharge due to the peculiar geographical as well as geological conditions prevailing in Mizoram. In order to make our water sources sustainable, sustainability measures by way of recharging water sources by construction of Water retaining structures or catchments area development has become one of the most important activities which needs to be addressed in a large scale. Government of India also included this programme under Sub-mission. Programme.

No fund is provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009.


g)            Communication and Capacity Development through IEC activities:  Awareness creation among the masses on the impact of save drinking water supply and save sanitation practices has become one of the priority sectors for successful implementation of water supply and sanitation programme.  In many cases, water supply and sanitation facilities are being provided but the consumers do not appreciate and not utilise properly, making the ultimate goal not fulfilled. It is therefore, felt necessary that the public should be first educated to accept and recognised the importance of having potable drinking water and safe sanitation practices for up-liftment of their general health.

                        With this in view, a small cell called ‘Communication and Capacity Development Unit’ in PHE Department was created under the assistance of Govt of India where 100 % financial assistance will be provided for Three years, i.e 2006-07 to 2008-09 beyond which the expenditure will be shared between Central and State at 75 : 25 respectively. A sum of Rs 150.00 lakh under Central Sector and Rs 50.00 lakh under State Sector are provided in the 11th Five Year Plan.

                        No fund is provided during Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009.


h)      Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance:  Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance is of the support services under Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission (RGNDWM). The National Workshop held on 7-9 August, 1999 on Water Quality Monitoring and Surveillance had recommended institutionalisation of Drinking Water Quality and Surveillance System in the country a catchments area approach which will be adopted by involving various grass root level, Educational and Technical institutions.  Under this scheme, training on the use of Field Testing Kit will be given to the villagers and some educational and technical institutions so that the public themselves will be able to test their water quality.  A three-tier structure of laboratory facilities namely Level-I (Village Level), Level-II (District Level) and Level-III (State Level) will be set-up.

For implementation of this Programme, the Department have prepared Project Report amounting to Rs.398.00 lakh and Government of India had allocated an amount of Rs. 73.40 lakh during 2006-07. Due to Limited Source of Funding, no provision can be set aside in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009.




1)    Urban Water Supply: There are 1 City and 21 Census Towns in Mizoram. Lawngtlai, the Capital of Lawngtlai District, having a population of 14600 souls as per 2001 census, which is not yet declared as Census Town by Census of India, is considered as Town by PHE Department resulting in the Number towns to become 23 Towns as per PHE Department’s record.

 Mizoram is still having long way ahead in achieving the National Norm of Water Supply Level(70 lpcd) in Urban Water Supply Programme.  Detail status of Urban Water Supply in Mizoram is as shown below:



Name of Town


Water Supply level (in lpcd)

Project in hand



N. Kawnpui



On-going project under State Plan. Commis sioned in Sept, 2006.







Non-Covered (NC)





On-going project funded under NLCPR & State plan














N. Vanlaiphai








On-going project under NLCPR. Commissioned in Oct, 2006.





GAWSS Ph-II is in progress under NLCPR funding






Partially Covered (PC)

























Proposal for Tlabung WSS is under consideration by DONER





On-going project
























Fully Covered (FC)
































On-going Projects:


a)                  Greater Aizawl Water Supply Scheme Phase-II: The Greater Aizawl Water Supply Scheme Phase-II with a revised Project cost of Rs.113.47 crore is in progress. Government of India, Ministry of DoNER released fund of Rs.58.00 crore so far out of Rs. 71.80 crore  of Central Share and the State Government released Rs. 26.30 crore out of Rs. 41.67 crore of State Share.

An Amount  of Rs 75.00 lakh has been earmarked as a Tocken provision in the Draft Annual Plan  2008-2009 due to fund constraints.



b)         Greater Champhai Water Supply Scheme:  The Greater Champhai Water Supply Scheme with a revised estimated cost of Rs.22.70 crore is in progress. The Government of India, through Ministry of DoNER funded Rs.13.53 crore which have been fully released.  As the Funds released from Govt of India alone being insufficient to complete the full project, The State Government had so far released Rs.11.94 crore. Attempt is being made to commission the project with treated Water within a short time without distribution system. Due to price escalation, some items of distribution systems would not be completed and some more funds will be required for fully completing the project.

     An Amount  of Rs 25.00 lakh has been earmarked as a Tocken provision in the Draft Annual Plan  2008-2009 due to fund constraints.


New Projects:

During the 11th Five Year Plan period all the remaining non-covered and partially covered towns will be covered under various Government of India Programme like JNNURM, UIDSSMT, NLCPR etc. The followings are the towns to be covered during 11th Five Year Plan.


Non-Covered                               Partially Covered


1)      Khawhai                                        1)         Saitual

                    2)      Biate                                              2)         Zawlnuam

3)      N.Vanlaiphai                                 3)         Bairabi

                                                                                      4)         Khawzawl

                                                                                      5)         Tlabung

                                                                                      6)         Hnahthial

                                                                                      7)         Saiha

                                                                                      8)         Lawngtlai

                                                                                      9)        Thenzawl

During the Annual Plan period of 2008-09, attempt will be made to implement the following Urban Water Supply Projects under UIDSSMT, NLCPR, JNNURM, etc.


a)      Biate, Khawhai, E. Lungdar etc combined Water Supply Scheme: A combined Project covering the above non-covered towns viz., Khawhai, Biate and E. Lungdar etc.has been surveyed and the Detail Project Report is under preparation.  The total Project cost will be roughly Rs.40.00 crore.

No Fund is provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009. Attempt will be made to implement the Project under UIDSSMT.


b)     Bilkhawthlir Water Supply Scheme: Bilkhawthir Water Supply Scheme (Pumping) amounting to Rs. 7.20 crore is under process.

No fund is provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009. Attempt will be made to implement the scheme under NLCPR

c)      Greater Lawngtlai Water Supply Scheme: Detailed project report of Greater Lawngtlai Water Supply Scheme amounting to Rs.38.00 crore had already been submitted to DoNER, Government of India.

No fund is provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009. Attempt shall be made to implement the Project under NLCPR.


d)     Greater Chawngte Water Supply Scheme: A project report of Greater Chawngte Water Supply Scheme an amounting to Rs.6.75 crore is under process.

No Fund is provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009. Attempt will be made to implement the Project under UIDSSMT.


e)      Greater Lunglei Water Supply Scheme (Improvement) : Improvement of Distribution System and construction of Zonal Tanks for replacement of worn-out P.S. Tank is proposed to be take-up during 2008-2009.

No fund is provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009. Attempt will be made to implement the Project under UIDSSMT.


f)       Renovation of Greater Aizawl Water Supply Scheme Phase-I : Improvement and extension of Distribution Systems, Repairs and replacement of Pumping Machineries including Electrical Installations, etc are required. Detailed Project Report (DPR) has been submitted to Govt of India for consideration under JNNURM.

No funds are provided in the Annual Plan 2008-09 It will be Centrally Sponsored Scheme . 


g)   Renovation of Greater Kolasib Water Supply Scheme:    Improvement and Extension of Distribution Systems, renovation of Pumping Machineries including Electrical Installations are required. DPR is under preparation and to be submitted to Govt of India for consideration under UIDSMT Scheme.

No funds are provided in the Annual Plan 2008-09. It will be Centrally Sponsored Scheme.


h)   Renovation of Greater Kolasib Water Supply Scheme:    Improvement and Extension of Distribution Systems, renovation of Pumping Machineries including Electrical Installations are required. DPR is under preparation and to be submitted to Govt of India for consideration under UIDSMT Scheme.

No funds are provided in the Annual Plan 2008-09. It will be Centrally Sponsored Scheme.



2.         Operation and Maintenance:- Mizoram is wholly mountainous region with almost all towns and cities situated on the top and hill slopes.  As such, the entire major water supply scheme is of pumping scheme with very high static head.  As power supply is not usually  reliable most of our pumping schemes have to be operated with Diesel Engines due to  which the O&M cost in Mizoram is comparably high as compared to O&M cost in plain areas.  Presently the annual O&M fund requirement for maintenance of urban water supply schemes including wages and salaries, fuel cost, repair of machineries etc. is approximately Rs. 36.00 crore. The number of pumping schemes are growing further due to commissioning of new projects, which result in increase in O&M fund requirement.

                     With a view to reduce the O& M expenditure in maintenance of Urban Water Supply Scheme, attempt shall be made to privatise Aizawl Water Supply Schemes Ph-I, Lunglei Water Supply, Serchhip Water Supply and Kolasib Water Supply from 2008-09 onwards. However, much reduction of O & M expenditure is anticipated during 2008-09 as it will be the starting year and re-organisation of PHE Department may take sometime.

                       A token provision of Rs.2500.00 lakh is provided during  Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009.




1)      Aizawl Sewerage and Sanitation :- There are no  Sewerage facilities in all the Cities and Towns of Mizoram.  City Development Plan of Rs. 225.00 crore for Sewerage Scheme in Aizawl City was prepared recently to be implemented under JNNURM during 11th Five Year Plan period. A sum of Rs. 202.50 crore under Central Sector and Rs. 22.50 crore under State Sector is provided during 11th Financial Year Plan. In addition, Aizawl Development Project at a cost of Rs. 34.56 crore is to be implemented under ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB)) funding with 90:10 Grant and Loan System during Eleventh Five Year Plan.

               No fund is provided under Sewerage & Sanitation Sector in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009 as  fund flow depends upon release of funds by Govt of India.


2)     Storm Drainage and Land-slip Protection:- Mizoram have heavy rainfall with an average annual rainfall of 2500 mm which is mainly distributed during May to August.  Due to this intense rainfall compounded with steep hill slope and loose topsoil, natural disaster due to landslide frequently occurs during monsoon period.  Storm water management and land-slip protection is one of the vital projects for Mizoram.

            City Development Plan on Storm Water Drainage and landslip protection for an amount of Rs. 17,500 lakh have been prepared for Aizawl City which will be funded under JNNURM during 11th Five Year Plan in which 90% shall be the Government of India share and 10% will be raised by State Government. Besides, Aizawl City Development Project at a project cost of Rs. 31.20 crore is to be implemented under ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK(ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK(ADB)) funding during Eleventh Five Year Plan.

            Detail investigation and preparation of Detail Project Report are yet to be done. 

            No fund is provided under Storm Drainage and Land-slip Protection in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009 as availability of funds will depends upon release of fund by Govt of India.


3)      Solid Waste Management: There is no systematic Solid Waste Management System in all the city and towns of Mizoram, the present practice now adopted for Aizawl City is only shifting of Solid Waste without any safe or scientific disposal system.

            A City Development Plan on Solid Waste Management for Aizawl City was formulated at an estimated cost of Rs. 65.00 crore to be taken up under JNNURM during 11th Five Year Plan period. A sum of Rs. 5850 lakh under Central Sector and Rs. 90 lakh under State Sector is provided in the 11th Five Year Plan. During Eleventh Five Year Plan Aizawl Development Project under ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB)) funding at a project cost of Rs. 9.13 crore is to be implemented with 90:10 Grant & Loan System during Eleventh Five Year Plan.

            It is also proposed to implement Solid Waste Management System in other 7 District Headquarters viz. Lunglei, Lawngtlai, Saiha, Serchhip, Champhai, Kolasib and Mamit for which detail project report are yet be prepared. 

            No funds are provided in the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009 as it will depend on release of fund by Govt of India.




1.      Direction and Administration:


                        Presently, the Department is headed by Two Chief Engineer, who are assisted by one Superintending Engineer (Investigation) and one Superintending Engineer (Monitoring). There are four Working Circle and Fourteen Divisions. To cope up with the ever increasing work loads arising out of rapid growth of population and increased in the demand, the Department is required to be strengthened and up-graded. Besides this, Development Project under ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB)) funding is also forthcoming due to which restructuring Public Health Engineering Department is required.

  (a)          Chief Engineer's Office:

                        Chief Engineer’ office does not have Planning Circle, which is absolutely necessary for assisting Chief Engineer in the management and Planning of works. For the ever increasing work load and to meet aspiration of the people for better service coverage, it is necessary to create the following post immediately for which Government of India as well as Government of Mizoram need to consider the matter seriously and relax the ban on creation and filling up of post since Water and Sanitation Sector has direct as well as indirect bearing on the health of the people of the State.

(i)         Superintending Engineer (Planning &Works):–

                        There is no post of Superintending Engineer (Planning & Works) to assist Chief Engineer in supervising, managing and planning of works of Public Health Engineering Department in spite of the fact that ever increasing work load has become too heavy to be handled effectively by a single officer. Hence, creation of Superintending Engineer (Planning & Works) post in the Chief Engineer's Office is absolutely necessary and need to be created immediately.

(ii)               Creation of Technical Post:

                        Public Health Engineering Department have number of work charge staff that do not have regular post for their promotion or regularisation which result in stagnation among the lower level technical staff. In the meantime the Department is in need of their services as they are the backbone in actual implementation of development works. In order to facilitate their absorption into a regular post, creation of some post like Plumber, Draughtsman, Electrician, Welder and Tracer etc. is absolutely necessary.


(iii)             Creation of Right to Information Cell:

                        The Government of India has introduced Right to Information Act recently.  In order to implement the Right to Information Act adopted by the State Government, creation of Right to Information Cell headed by State Public Information Officer (equivalent to Superintending Engineer) and assisted by one Assistant Public Information Officer is very much required.

For establishment of this Cell, the Human Resource Development Cell, which was earlier, created but now kept in abeyance due to termination of Government of India Programme, may be revived.

b)     Saiha WATSAN Division : The jurisdiction of existing PHED Lawngtlai WATSAN Division covers the entire Lawngtlai Autonomous District Council, Chakma Autonomous District Council, Mara Autonomous District Council. The jurisdiction is too vast and it has become difficult to supervise construction works effectively. Moreover, there are some Administrative inconveniences also. It is therefore absolutely necessary to create Saiha Watsan Division with its Jurisdiction limited to the Jurisdiction of Mara Autonomous District Council.

c)      Champhai WATSAN Circle :  The existing Rural WATSAN Circle is looking after 6(six) Working Divisions which spread over Champhai District, Mamit District, Serchhip District, Aizawl District and Kolasib District. The jurisdiction is too vast to be handle by a single working circle. To relive the work load of Rural WATSAN Circle, creation of new Champhai WATSAN Circle is very much required and proposed during 2008-2009.



2)                  Survey and Investigation through Remote Sensing Technique:

                        Proper Survey and Investigation is the first and foremost activity for Planning and designing of Water Supply System.  With the development in Information Technology, Moderately accurate survey including Ground Water Mapping, Surface Water potential mapping etc. can be done with the help of remote sensing technology.

                        Detail Project Report for Scientific Survey with remote sensing technology amounting to Rs. 367.00 lakh is submitted to NEC for funding. Moreover, all the Urban Water Supply Project needs detail and specific survey for planning and designing for which an amount of Rs. 75.00 lakh is provided in the 11th Five Year Plan.

                        However, no fund could be provided during the Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009.


3)                  Machineries and Equipments :

                        There are a number of pumps, electric motor, transformer, engine, etc., under water supply component which some of them are very old and needs replacement by a new one. Different types of tools and machineries are required for repair and maintenance of pumping machineries in which the Department is still not fully equipped. Moreover, electro-chlorinator for replacement of used of bleaching powder for dis-infection is proposed in some of the Urban Water Supply Scheme.  Besides various urban water supply scheme had been completed and some more are targeted to be commissioned during this 11th Five Year Plan. For rising of water tariff from the consumer, it is proposed to procure large quantities of water meter. A sum of Rs.200.00 lakh is provided under State Sector in the 11th Five Year Plan.


4)                  Researched & Development:

                        Fund for Research and the Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission provides Development to the State in order to give support to the programmes implemented under ARWSP. The policy guidelines on Research and Development for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector focussed on priority areas which are-

i)                    Water sources exploration, assessment and exploitation related technology development.

ii)                  Technology Development for improvement in water extraction techniques.

iii)                Water scarcity reduction and related technology Development.

iv)                Technology for water quality enhancement for rural areas.

v)                  Watershed management to optimise drinking water supply.

vi)                Water Health interaction in the socio economic cultural set-up

vii)              Development of approximate rural sanitation technology.


                        In order to strengthen the Rural Development facilities in Public Health Engineering Department, Mizoram, the Government of India has been encouraged the State Government to establish Rural Development Cells with adequate manpower and infrastructure. Rural Development Cells are required to be in constant touch with the Monitoring and Investigation Divisions and the Monitoring and Evaluation study Reports for initiating appropriate follow up action. The Rural Development should keep in constant touch with documentation and information centre of the Mission.


5)                  Training :-

                        Technology is developing very fast due to which Engineers and Scientist have to continuously update their technical knowledge to keep themselves abreast of new development.  In the 11th Five Year Plan an amount of Rs.50.00 lakh is provided for training the in- service Engineers in different training institutions within and outside the country. 


6)                  Buildings :

                        PHE Department was once self-sufficient in Office buildings.  However, with the expansion of Department new Office buildings and new Government quarters needs to be constructed during 11th Five Year Plan period for which an amount of Rs.50.00 lakh is provided..

                        Budget provision of Rs 10.00 lakh is made during Draft Annual Plan 2008-2009.